Carding is a pre-spinning wool preparation that both aligns & blends your fibers which can enable easier spinning. Carded fibers will generally create a smoother yarn, as opposed to spinning from the "clouds" (washed bundles of fiber) or straight from the locks. Carding is also the stage at which you can choose to blend your fibers to make a % yarn: for example, 3 ounces of sheep wool and 1 oz of alpaca mixed together in a basket, then hand carded together would make a 75% Sheep wool 25% Alpaca blended fiber, ready to spin into a 75/25 Wool/Alpaca yarn. For very fine fiber blends, we recommend cotton cards.
For the technique of felting or making woolen blankets, carding is essential. Combing straightens the fibers more than carding, there-fore if you are after a completely smooth worsted yarn as an end product, you would want to use Combs as opposed to Cards. This difference determines the character of the spun thread: worsted or woolen-spun. Woolen spun yarns are created from carded rolags, rovings, and batts.
Louet handcards are made of tulip wood, a Dutch Poplar variety. These light weighted handcards have a curved back and ergonomic handles that fit comfortably in your hands.
The 19 x 10 cm (7 1/2" x 4") handcards are available in fine (46 teeth per square inch) and extra fine cloth (cotton carders, 110 teeth per square inch); the 10 x 10 cm (4" x 4") handcards are only available in extra fine cloth. In order to ensure a long life, the teeth on all Louet carders are made of high grade plated steel wire.
Mini Cotton Cards (extra-fine for fine blends): 4" x4 ", $65
Fine Cloth Cards (for wool & blends): 7 1/2" x 4", $85
Cotton Cards (extra-fine cloth for fine blends): 7 1/2" x 4", $85