Venus White Clay, Cone 6 by Clay Planet

Sale price $34.98 Save $0.00
-65 in stock


*Temporarily out of stock, pre-order with expected 2-4 week wait time. Purchases ship upon arrival, and pre-orders are filled first. Pallets arriving sell out fast!

Our most popular mid-range clay body, Venus is a highly plastic smooth midrange white stoneware with EXTRA FINE grog so smooth you can't even feel it.
Superb for wheel thrown functional ware. Also great for slab built small & medium size work. Fires bone white, with great density & strength. (Venus is often used in both low and high fire as well)

In June 2010 Clay Planet had a textured slab handbuilding workshop with over 20 students who all used this clay. All students made thin slab-built wares. The wares were dried overnight uncovered without a single handle falling off, or a single piece cracking. We are all happy and amazed by how well Venus white does as a versatile clay.
Venus White Is:
  • Sold by the 25 lb bag, 50-2000lbs at discount levels
  • Cone 5-6, midrange stoneware
  • Shrinkage at cone 5 - 12%
  • Absorption at cone 5 - 1%

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